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Health Career Networking Night

Networking. Workshops. Advising. 


When: Thursday, April 6, 2023 from 5-9pm PST



See the "Professional" tab for the list of professionals attending HCNN this year!

1. Healthcare Adjacent Career Pathways Workshop

Learn more about the process of clinical research - Protocols, IRB/FDA regulation, funding, and clinical research professions (e.g. clinical program coordinators, sub-PIs, etc.) The workshop will focus on what careers are a part of clinical research, including but not limited to Principle Investigators, and graduate degrees in other fields (e.g. Public Health, Management). This workshop is for those of you who know you’re interested in clinical research but don’t know if medical school is definitely the way for you.

Healthcare Panel

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Have you ever wondered how health professionals manage work-life balance? Is going into medicine or healthcare worth the time commitments and stress? This panel brings together a group of experienced medical and health-adjacent professionals to share their insights and expertise on these questions with you. The panelists will discuss various topics related to the medical field, including career pathways, the challenges and rewards of the profession, and the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in healthcare. If you ever wanted advice on preparing for medical school, developing the skills and qualities necessary for success in a health-related career, or navigating the complex healthcare landscape, the panelists' diverse perspectives and real-world experiences might just inspire and inform your path forward.

1 on 1 advising

Have questions about your application for professional schools, want tips for writing your personal statement, or need some interview advice?


RSVP for a 1-on-1 advising session with a representative from an advising company in the "RSVP" tab!


Sessions are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.

Networking Rotation

Get your elevator pitch ready and network with professionals from various health care fields!


4x20-minute rotations with 5 min break in between


  • 1: 7:10-7:30pm

  • 2: 7:35-7:55pm

  • 3: 8-8:20pm

  • 4: 8:25-8:45pm

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What is
Health Career Networking Night ?


Pre-med? Pre-health? Confused on what you're doing beyond that? Many students enter UCLA with a general interest in healthcare, but lack the resources they need to make informed career choices! Noticing the lack of readily available pre-professional advisors or counselors, Asian Pacific Health Corps (APHC) is hosting our annual Health Career Networking Night (HCNN) to connect UCLA students with health professionals and professional students from a variety of careers. 


Along with the event, we will also be providing students a link to a Google Drive folder on April 6th containing a wealth of resources that would have been distributed at the event in person. Please RSVP to receive these resources. 

Asian Pacific Health Corps at UCLA

@2023 by NWS. Proudly created with

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